Tuesday, April 2, 2013

A-Z Challenge: Day 2 - B is for Butterflies

Today's post is brought to you by the letter

My favorite "b" thing is butterflies!!

I've actually had the opportunity to visit two different butterfly conservatories - one in New Orleans and one in Oneonta, NY. Both were fabulous and allowed me to walk around among free-flying butterflies.

If you ever get the chance, I highly recommend it!!

From the New Orleans Audubon Insectarium and Butterfly Garden


From the Joseph L Popp, Jr Butterfly Conservatory in Oneonta, NY


  1. Nice pics - we have a butterfly conservatory here in Niagara . . . great place to escape a cold, snowy winter day.

  2. I love butterflies!
    Have you ever heard of the Houston Holocaust Museum, they collect thousands of butterflies made by people. I made two. Look it up.

    I know you are talking about the real ones and I love the colors of most all of them.
