Saturday, December 31, 2011

Announcing the birth of "Friendly Fridays"

As of 1/1/12 I'm starting a new weekly feature on my blog - "Friendly Fridays."

This will be every Friday and it's a day for guest posts. You can do any type of post you like - straight up promo, something serious, something funny - anything, any topic. Nothing is taboo. Wanna bitch about religion or politics? Go for it. Wanna talk about your bellybutton lint? Have at it. Post pictures or not. Run a contest or not. It's all up to you. This does not just apply to published authors. All industry professionals (publishers, cover artists, editors, reviewers) or readers with something to say are welcome as well.

To book a date, e-mail me at (dcjuris at stny dot rr dot com)

As of 12/31/11, I'm booking from April 2012 on. Jan/Feb are full. I have a couple spots left in March.

Post requirements:

any word count (no min/max)
.doc or .docx preferred (but I can work with .rtf if need be)
posts must be edited for typos
posts MUST be given to me at least 24 hours in advance (If you give them to me sooner, I'll love you long time. The sooner the longer. ::wink::) Seriously, though - I have a 60+ hour a week Evil Day Job as well as 24 WIPS. I simply cannot (and will not) sit up until 2 AM on a Thursday waiting for your procrastinating ass to get your shit together. ::sweet smile::

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